Civil Libertarianism

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Civil Libertarianism is civically libertarian and economically variable ideology. It is a form of liberalism and libertarianism who lives in the bottom of the political compass - he believes in the expansion and preservation of civil liberties. Distinct from right libertarianism because he is focused on fighting for a legal system centered around the harm principle, privacy and civil rights without any interest in economic liberalism. Sometimes he can be portrayed as a scholar with nerdy expertise of the law and philosophy. He is also not to be confused with Social Libertarianism, who has similar policies.

Despite his name he often clashes with right libertarians by opposing private coercion as much as state authoritarianism. Typically he gets along well with center-left and lib-left balls at least until his free speech absolutism and opposition to hate speech laws angers them.


Personality and Behaviour


How to Draw

Flag of Civil Libertarianism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball yellow
  3. Add a magenta fist holding up scales of justice.
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #FFDB27 255, 219, 39
Magenta #C20080 194, 0, 128



  • Classical Liberalism - Grandpa! He gave us the harm principle.
  • Liberalism - Dad taught me a lot!
  • Green Liberalism - Environmental rights are human rights.
  • Social Libertarianism - I don't know if UBI will work but his heart is in the right place
  • Technoliberalism - Free markets and human rights, liberty for the win!
  • Liberaltarianism - He's not as progressive, but still epic nevertheless.
  • Feminism - Just want to do something special for all the ladies in the world!
  • LGBT - I'll never stop fighting for you!
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Violence is never the solution.
  • Men's Liberation - Reject Toxic Masculinity, embrace Positive Masculinity!
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Comrade in arms! Anyone willing to oppose tyranny and uphold freedom is an ally in my book! Could you be a little less trigger-happy towards the opposition though? We are attempting to be civil here after all!
  • File:Prog.pngProgressivism - A very close match, not gonna lie


  • Social Democracy - He hates free speech! Who gets to decide what constitutes "hate speech"?
  • Libertarian Socialism - Likes freedom too, but please don't violate property rights.
  • Libertarianism - The harm principle trumps property rights.
  • File:Ego.png Egoism - You believe in freedom for the individual while believing things like bigotry and sexism are "spooks"? Great! We will get along just... wait a second, you don't care about human rights?! And you you think property rights are spooks too?
  • Utilitarian Ethnonationalism - My... Racist son?
  • Anti-Fascism - Look, you're not awful in theory, but you need to calm down. Also, free speech for everyone is important, even for the people that we oppose. I still prefer your buddy here , to be honest.


  • Authoritarianism - Little thing called privacy? Ever heard of it buddy?!
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Privatized tyranny is no better than any other dictatorship.
  • Hoppeanism - See? this what I'm talking about.
  • Pink Capitalism - Coloring sweatshop-made goods in rainbows won't change anything.
  • State Liberalism - Even if you advocate minority rights, you shouldn't enforce them by authority, brutality and force!
  • Ingsoc - The end result of eroding civil liberties.
  • Neoconservatism - Why do you hate Edward Snowden?! HE is a hero! YOU are a precarious ideology riddled with corruption and imperialism! Also, please repeal the Patriot Act!
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Classical liberal my @$$.
  • Korwinism - Oxymoron """libertarian""", you may advocate legalisation of drugs and pornography, but why the death penalty, anti-democratic beliefs and all the bigotry?
  • Christian Theocracy - Haha Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges go brrr! Too bad I couldn't force him to bake a gay wedding cake.
  • Manosphere - Sorry, but I have to prefer Positive Masculinity because at least, he's not a sexist shithead like you! He cares for equal rights for men and women, while You only care about men's right and your views on Women are just pointless.
  • Corporatocracy - Hands off my private information, megacorp.
  • Dengism - Free Tibet! Free Hong Kong! Enough with your Uyghur genocide and Human's rights abuse!
  • Alt-Right - Fuck off, edgelord
  • Alt-Lite - And you too. You're not better than your pal above, just a moderate version of him. Also quit pretending you care about free speech already.
  • Jihadism & Khomeinism - Well, those are the type of Muslims I despise. The Taliban made Afghanistan a very horrible country to live in due to its totalitarian laws, even worse than the Saudi Arabian laws, which I also hate, but still... Also, you're the reason why one of my son is hostile against muslims.
  • Conservatism - You're everything expect "Small Government", you bigoted asshole.

Further Information





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