Voluntary Human Extinction

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Voluntary Human Extinction is a movement that advocates the extinction of humanity through willingly restraining reproduction ( Antinatalism) in an effort to make humanity extinct. Despite its goals, it rejects suicide, forced sterilization, or mass murder. They believe that humans have led to environmental degradation and therefore the entire human species must go extinct.

The only movement that practices this is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, or VHEMT (pronounced "vehement") for short.


He acts schizophrenic because of what humans (other polcompballs) have done to the planet.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill in with white.
  3. Draw the VHEMT logo.
    1. Draw a large V.
    2. Draw earth showing the Americas downwards on the V in green, with the oceans blue and the land green.
    3. Draw a curved rectangle on the planet.
    4. Draw text "VHEMT" on the curved rectangle.
  4. Draw in the eyes.

You're done!




  • Environmentalism - I want to save the environment, but why humans?
  • Total Liberationism - Really based, although you should understand that human extinction is the only way to acheieve your goal.
  • Jewish-Nazism & Anti-Japaneseism - Your suicidal attitude pleases me, but why limit the self-genocide to just two races?
  • Kakistocracy - He may not like it, but he's helping me achieve my goals.
  • Illuminatism - Decreasing population in New World Order is pretty based, except the genocide part.
  • Situationism - Usually i couldn't care less for human art but the Church of Euthanasia took influences from your movement, which is based.
  • Cultism - The Church of Euthanasia has done a fantastic job in opposing human reproduction and even has led to humans deciding to relieving the Earth of their burden but the rest of these fuckers are almost always natalists!
  • LGBT+ - At least "most" of you don't reproduce.
  • Homonationalism - I... Uh...
  • Radical Feminism - You are helping me achieve my goals, although you are too radical.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Anarchy and Pacifism is based. Although you should believe in Anti-Natalism.
  • Deep Ecology - Although animals should be treated as important, human is NOT equal to animals. Human is below them.


Further Information





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