Civil Libertarianism

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Civil Libertarianism is civically libertarian, economically variable and usually progressive ideology. It is a form of liberalism and libertarianism who lives in the bottom of the political compass - he believes in the expansion and preservation of civil liberties. Distinct from right libertarianism because he is focused on fighting for a legal system centered around the harm principle, privacy and civil rights without any interest in economic liberalism. Sometimes he can be portrayed as a scholar with nerdy expertise of the law and philosophy. He is also not to be confused with Social Libertarianism, who has similar policies.

Despite his name he often clashes with right libertarians by opposing private coercion as much as state authoritarianism. Typically he gets along well with center-left and lib-left balls at least until his free speech absolutism and opposition to hate speech laws angers them.


Personality and Behaviour


How to Draw

Flag of Civil Libertarianism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball yellow
  3. Add a magenta fist holding up scales of justice to represent the center-left.
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #FEF900 254, 249, 0
Magenta #F800F9 248, 0, 249




  • Neoliberalism - Slapping a pride sticker on a cop car won't change anything.
  • Libertarian Socialism - You have a passion for liberty I appreciate, but stop it with the revolution and the violence!
  • Libertarianism - The harm principle trumps property rights.


Further Information




Template:Libunity Template:Lib Template:Libertarian

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