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Alter-Globalization, Alternative Globalization or Alter-Globalism believes in global cooperation of the people, at the same time opposing economic globalization. He thinks that economic globalization will harm the workers and reduce civil rights. One way to describe him could be global anti-globalization It is usually economically left-wing. He is anti-imperialist and supports global solidarity but wants to preserve native cultures as well.


The term "alter-globalization" or "alter-globalism" stems from a popular slogan of the movement “Another world is possible” which came out of the World Social Forum. The name "anti-globalization" having first been introduced in 1999, alter-globalization was preferred to highlight the fact that the movement was favorable to a form of globalization that would be different from the current neoliberal globalization.

There is not precise date for the beginning of the alter-globalization movement. It is rooted in the protest movements of the early 1980's in southern countries with the fight, first against Third World's debt and the IMF's structural adjustment plans, then against the WTO. Alter-globalization appears in part as a conjunction between different Western currents critical of capitalism, and anti-imperialist currents in the South.


The movement generally opposes economic liberalism and the financial globalization to promote a more social economy and redistribution of wealth. These demands are reflected in a search for alternatives, global and systemic, to the international order of finance and trade. Its culture is maked by the libertarian left tradition and/or radical ecology. The movement oscillates between reformism (for example the demand for the "Tobin Tax" advocated by the ATTAC organization at its fundation) and more radical views.

How to draw

Flag of Alter-Globalism
  • Draw a ball
  • Color it red
  • Draw a white circle but do not fill it in
  • Draw some latitude and longitude lines on the circle

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Red #EE161F 238, 22, 31
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • World Federalism - At least your heart is in the right place, and care about ACTUAL cooperation between people. But your also pretty neo-imperialist and hate all forms of national sovereignty so I won't call you based.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - You aren't too bad for a nationalist, but you're still too focused on your own nation.
  • Multiculturalism - I'm not necessarily opposed to you, but we have to keep native cultures as well.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Preserving your own culture is nice, but please learn to respect other cultures too.


  • Nationalism - You oppose neoliberal globalization and I'm okay with national sovereignty, but purely loving your own nation and putting it above all else is the first step to imperialism.
  • Globalism - On the other side of the coin. You force people into your land, you're just alternative imperialism!
  • Ethnopluralism - I want international cooperation, not international segregation!
  • Corporatocracy - No.
  • Neoliberalism - Burn in hell!

More Info



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