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Ideology Self-Insert

Spadist Libertarian Noocracy is a left-libertarian iteration of noocracy that seeks to provide the proper basic education to the people to ensure that good decisions are being made by those who are the most directly affected by them. With that basis, it seeks to create a well-run, educated society upon which the population can have their liberties maximized as ethically as possible.



Spadist Libertarian Noocracy advocates for civil liberty supported by a hierarchically horizontal noocracy. It looks to ensure that the most possible amount of interested citizens gain enough knowledge and wisdom to partake in the decision-making process. Rather than just teaching them what they need to know, they should also be teached how to think for themselves, ensure the validity of their sources, and defend themselves against any sort of manipulation, among other skills. Under this model, censorship will have even less of a reason to take place, as it is already harmful and inefficient.

The decisions that will be voted on will be judged ethically on a case-by-case basis, transparently on a public forum. On top of that, he believes that having leaders well-educated in ethics can fill in any gap that can't be covered by the harm principle behind civil libertarianism.

He believes the role of the state to be in servitude of its people, and that it should protect them while staying as far away as ethically possible from their personal lives. That is why its short influence should be focused mainly on regulating the economy.


He believes the best way to protect the overall liberty of the citizens is using a rather regulationist form social libertarianism, which takes into account both the citizen's freedom of choice and enterprise, and freedom from external forces and foul play beyond their control that might limit their pursuits. The markets, if used right, can breed innovation, bring about prosperity, and reward creativity; it is when those who succeed are given the opportunity to rig the system in their own favor that things go awry. If there's going to be competition, it has to be fair; that's why resources and education will be distributed as equally as possible to mitigate the unfairness of the playfield. However, said competition can never be entirely fair, which is why every citizen deserves some kind of safety net, as there is a chance that their failure won't be entirely their fault, something they shouldn't have to pay with their lives for.


He views the world as a highly complex and interconnected set of behaviors, where all areas (be it environmental, cultural, economic..) have a high impact on each other. He fully supports globalism in the sense that cooperation among countries on a global scale is paramount for the good of this intertwined global landscape, and views isolationism as stubbornly inefficient in some cases and cowardly uncooperative in the rest of cases. He does believe that the current form of neoliberal globalization only works to enrich what is regarded as the developed world, often to the detriment of other countries, their people and their environment. In addition to that, cultural globalization can result in plenty of the citizens of these countries to loose their sense of national identity in favor of the aesthetics and culture of this developed world.


No, but actually yes.

He believes, in broad terms, that more groups deserve more kinds of rights than they've been given in the past, in order to achieve a more varied and egalitarian society. He's staunchly against any form of arbitrary discrimination and any kind of dehumanizing treatment, which can actually come from any corner of the political spectrum for a variety of reasons. No sex, gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, religion or any other generalizing division should be used by itself to treat entire groups of people as less deserving of agency and respect than others. He's aware of people that take this stance to some dumb and sensitive conclusions, but he doesn't let those people define his ideals.

In terms of technology, it's rapid development seems to run further than our own human ability to use it to the world's benefit. The centralized power this advnced technology holds is too dangerous to be left to develop at the pace it currently is. If it falls into either willfully or unwillfullly negligent hands, as it has done in the past, it could continue to compromise the well-being of numerous communities and ecosystems.

Personality and Behaviour

Spadism always spends way too much time pondering whether his decisions are taking all possible variables, ethical implications and affected parties into account before he actually makes one. He can be portrayed as the artsy type because of the combination of his noocratic intellectualism and his value of liberty of expression.

How to Draw

The flag for Spadist Libertarian noocracy includes: the noocracy symbol of the wisdom knot, which conveys the Ghanaian idea of “Nyansopo”, which can translate to “a wise person has the capacity to choose the best means to attain a goal”; this symbol is drawn in pink, to mimic the color combination and distribution of the civil libertarian flag; It also contains a black spade on top, which has symbolized wisdom, acceptance and labor; as well as some small leaves to show the presence of environmentalist ideals.


  1. Draw a ball with a golden background
  2. Draw the wisdom knot horizontally in pink
  3. Draw a black (or very dark blue) spade on top of that with a few green leaves around it


  • Other Ideologies
  • Polcompball-sonas


  • Civil Libertarianism - I live by your words
  • Social Libertarianism - I'm still unsure about my economic stance, but as far as I know you're pretty neat!
  • Noocracy - Knowledge and wisdom are indeed needed for proper decision making, just don't turn into a dictatorship pls the people deserve a voice
  • Environmentalism - We can't be free in a planet that's gone to heck
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Our wits will be our sharpest weapons in this joint battle, brother
  • Democracy - I believe no one knows one's needs better than themselves, we just need the tools to act upon those needs effectively
  • FALGSC - If I ever find myself in a gay interstellar post-scarcity startrekkian society, you won't see me complaining
  • Nordic Model - You must be doing something right, but I think we can take this a bit further..
  • Alter-Globalization - Global cooperation done right
  • Feminism - People deserve to be treated with respect regardless of gender, no arbitrary division will restrict what roles we play in society.
  • Men's Liberation - Same sentiment as above, men should be allowed to embrace their masculinity while also not falling into harmful stereotypes
  • Queer Anarchism - I have yet to find any reasonable argument to not support LGBT+ rights !
  • Technogaianism - The only form of transhumanism that won't lead to our destruction
  • Bi-Piratism - Love your aesthetic.. and policies too, but mostly the aesthetic
  • Christian Socialism - Based interpretation of christianity and the true meaning of Christmas
  • Cartoonism - alism - Animation is an underrated medium
  • Laicism - Keeping religion as a purely personal matter is the best way to achieve religious freedom for all
  • Deistocracy - The existence of spiritual beings is a possibility that could be worth exploring
  • Post-Colonial Anarchism - Only based form of nationalism I've met so far. Those colonialists won't take away our culture!
  • Situationism - I do love your artistic approach and your critique of the commodification of the media nowadays
  • Cottagecore Neoluddism - My ideal retirement plan ngl


  • Transhumanism - You're too powerful, you can either free us all and save the environment, or become the conveyor belt to our doom
  • Conservatism - Culture is supposed to allow self-expression and a response to one's own experience, so of course there's value in preserving certain traditional values, just don't enforce them upon everyone!
  • Nationalism - Like it or not, we're not alone in this planet. Learn to cooperate
  • Crypto-Totalitarian Entertainment - Like any artist, I'm all for making the world a bit more interesting.. but I prefer by far to make it better and freeer
  • Ethnopluralism - I like your intentions, but let's keep the ethnostates to the ethnostatists
  • Multiculturalism - I fully support the harmonious cohabitation of different cultures, but if this goes to an extreme where all of humanity converges into only one global culture.. I worry about what that would do to individuality
  • Pink Capitalism - Activism under unfettered capitalism is merely performative, regardless of intention


  • Alt-Right - Dude you can't just call everything different from you "degenerate"
  • Futurism - The fact that you're also a progressive artist has me a bit conflicted.. but not enough to shill for a fascist
  • Totalitarianism - I get wanting efficiency, I do not get treating people as mere tools of the state
  • nazis - disgusting
  • Egoism - Sure plenty of these institutions are arbitrary, but they're needed for society to work for everyone. No man is an island.
  • Counter-Enlightenment - I can't believe ideologies like you even exist in this day and age
  • Theocracy - "My God says so" is not an argument