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My Userpages on other Ball Wikis

Invalid userim janx i think all authoritarian ideologies and transhumanism are stupid ok you can go now

Views on Politics

Political Journey

Views on Polish Parties

  • PiS - Fuck you bitch! Also you claim to be "euroskepticist" yet when they pull out because of your bizzare dictator-like policies, you beg them to not do it! Plus you deal with Winnie the Pooh so suprised you're still in sejm.
  • PO - It's not the best and it's representatives are..... questionable to say the least.
  • Nowa Lewica (and Lewica in general) - social democracy or something is ok (iuts center-left though awhwa) but i've never heard of it since im not THAT into polish politics plus the only parties that get talked about in poland are PiS and PO so can't really judge it.

oh yeah and im a network sysop in ballmedia so oooooo fear me
pbw userpage

Views on Ideologies



  • Assadism - Absolutely disguisting. Somewhat tries to be socialistic but fails miserably and is more like a dictatorship! It only fucks the people up and I can't say I'm suprised why the Syrian Civil War started.
  • Leninism - Dictatorship disguised as socialism. That's all i can say.
