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Combatocracy advocates for a system of government in which leaders are chosen by trial by combat. He believes that only the strongest in society are fit to rule. He doesn't reside anywhere specific on the Political Compass, although he is definitely authoritarian and right-wing.


Combatocracy is almost exclusively seen in the realm of fiction, being a form of government in works such as Black Panther, The Dark Crystal, and Pokémon. The only version of Combatocracy that has been put into practice in real life is Monarcho-Combatocracy, which was the form of government in many viking societies.

How to Draw

1. Draw a ball 2. Fill it brown (#4D2600) 3. Draw this cross in the center in black (#000000) 4. Add the eyes and you're done!




  • Anti-Combatocracy - The polar opposite of Combatocracy
  • Kakistocracy - Supports rule by the least capable