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Anarcho-Individualism, or AnInd for short, is an economically variable (although usually left leaning) and culturally progressive anarchist ideology that emphasizes the individual and the will of the individual over external determinants like society, groups, tradition and ideologies, seeing the abolition of the state as the fullest realization of individual liberty. He believes that without a government, individuals will pursue their personal objectives and work together in mutual self-interest to create a stable and harmonious anarchist society.


Within anarchism, individualist anarchism is primarily a literary phenomenon while social anarchism has been the dominant form of anarchism, emerging in the late 19th century as a distinction from individualist anarchism after Anarcho-Communism replaced Collectivist Anarchism as the dominant tendency.

Boston Anarchism



Individualist Anarchism has been popularised and heavily influenced by the ideas/works of European philosophers William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Max Stirner and American philosophers Benjamin Tucker, Josiah Warren, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Lysander Spooner

Personality and Behaviour

AnInd is often depicted as passionate about individual liberty and can be shown to have a disdain for any sort of authority or hierarchies, as well as having a strong sense of self and resistance to tradition and conformity. AnInd often prefers to "go his own way" as opposed to letting his ideas be influenced by those around him and usually keeps himself busy with his own affairs. Although he is sometimes willing to work with his fellow anarchists if it benefits him to do so, he is equally likely to be seen debating with them, keeping true to his ideological convictions of true individual liberty.

How to Draw

Flag of Anarcho-Individualism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a line in near-black diagonally across the ball
  3. Fill the bottom half of the ball with the same near-black color, and fill the top half with sky blue or turquoise
  4. Draw an uppercase letter "I" in the middle of the ball, in opposite colors to the ball (i.e. black on turquoise, turquoise on black)
  5. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #202020 32, 32, 32
Turquoise #00FFDA 0, 255, 218



  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Not sure if I'm a fan of capitalism but I admire your passion for individualism (as long as it means I don't get to work.) Also how and why do you have private property?
  • Anarcho-Communism - I'm a little skeptical about this whole communism thing but you seem to care about individual liberty like I do (but your liberal friends keep trying to cancel me on twitter for speaking my mind).
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - You get me, I think... wait what do you mean "atomization?"
  • File:Ego.png Egoism - STIRNER GANG, but you call things "spook" too much and also caused a huge drama... also I loved your milk co-operative.
  • Mutualism - Son, you seem to have the best system for individualism.
  • Post-Left Anarchism - You truly understand the lumpenproles fight is one for self-determination from the tyranny of the majority.
  • Post-Colonial Anarchism - Another good interpretation of me. Fellow colonized lumpens fighting against the will of the authoritative majority and against assimilating into their hive mind is based.
  • Autarchism - Only the self may rule their own person.


  • Classical Liberalism - Our ideologies come from similar ways of thought, but I'll only be your friend if you reject the state and all those other meaningless social constructs.
  • Capitalism - NO! Well, maybe... My grandson, really likes you but I just don't see the appeal...
  • Anarcho-Collectivism - Collectivism is incompatible with anarchism! However, we both like to smash the status quo together.


  • Marxism–Leninism - Collectivist. You claim to hate monopolies yet use a monopoly to fight capitalism... curious.
  • Bookchin Communalism - Collectivist in an anarchist mask. Just because we lumpenproles don't want to follow you doesn't make us not anarchists or anti-revolutionary. (Also Bob Black wrecked your ass.)
  • Fascism - Anti-individualist. Your bundle is tyranny.
  • Ochlocracy - Literally tyranny of the majority!
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - Your existence disturbs me.
  • Death Worship - What?!

Further Information



By Region

Online Communities


  1. The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine: An Economist's View by Murray N. Rothbard
  2. 2.0 2.1 Individual Liberty by Benjamin Tucker: "The Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats. They believe that 'the best government is that which governs least,' and that that which governs least is no government at all."



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