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Platformism, aka Makhnovism is an ideology that seeks unity from its participants, having as a defining characteristic the idea that each platformist organization should include only people that are fully in agreement with core group ideas, rejecting people who disagree. It stresses the need for tightly organized anarchist organizations that are able to influence working class and peasant movements.

Platformism rejects the model of the Leninist Vanguard and instead uses class consciousness to unite people with anarchist ideas so that they could lead the class struggle, There are four main principles by which which an anarchist organization should operate, Tactical unity, Theoretical unity, Collective responsibility and Federalism

Platformism is seen as one of the earliest example of anarchist praxis and was developed further as theory by Nestor Makhno and his comrades while in exile in Paris. based on the results of anarchist movements during the Russian Revolution in such as The Free Territory(Also known as Makhnovshchina) and it's Black Army.

Platformism has been critiqued to be merely a stepping stone for anarchist movements and should be used to develop other anarchist movements forward, but is also seen as the least ideologically centered anarchist concept and some say that it might be one of the only way to effectively create an anarchist society.


  • Robin Hood like bandit.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a diagonal black line across the ball
  3. Fill the bottom half in black
  4. Fill the top half in dark red
  5. Draw a star in opposing colors along the middle
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!





Further Information


Template:Libleft Template:Anarchist