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Leninism also known as Orthodox Leninism is an extreme authoritarian, left-wing, socialist ideology based on the beliefs of Russian revolutionary and first leader of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin. It inhabits the top-left corner of the Political Compass. He believes in the establishment of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat led by a Revolutionary Vanguard Party. He wants the full abolishment of private property and is in favour of Socialist Publicly owned property.

Stylistic Notes

Leninism usually wears Lenin’s famous Cap Which he’s seen in many photos with.

He likes shooting Tsars and Royals like Monarchism.

He has memorized all of Lenin’s works from beginning to end.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball with eyes and fill it red
  2. Add a Horizontal red rectangle with a yellow border in the top left corner
  3. Add the Russian letters 'РсФсР' in the rectangle
  4. (Optional) Draw Lenin’s cap



  • Marxism - Greatly inspired me and taught me a lot of stuff. I greatly thank him and admire him!
  • Marxism-Leninism - He has made me proud. He implemented Socialism successfully and continued my legacy. I salute you, comrade!
  • Trotskyism - Trotsky, my meant to be successor. You helped a lot in the Revolution as well as the creation of the Soviet Union.
  • Biological Leninism - Listens to my Teachings very well. But why do you want the Vanguard party to be informal?
  • Stalinism - I didn’t trust you that much but you did a pretty good job in Industrializing the USSR and defeating the fascists.
  • Maoism - Very good comrade who stayed loyal to my ideals! Watch out for the Revisionist Dengism though.
  • Juche - Resist Western Imperialism! You can survive even if the US capitalists pressure you.
  • Castroism - Same as Juche
  • Hoxhaism - You do uphold my teachings and you are against revisionism but you were a bit wacky.


  • Titoism - Hmmm you’re alright but I’d prefer if you were a bit more Socialist and cooperated with Marxism-Leninism instead of you two trying to kill eachother.
  • PolPotism - Umm I can respect the Anti Revisionism and Anti Capitalism but you went a bit too far...
  • Nazbol - You stay true to Socialism but I’d prefer if you were a bit more internationalist and less racist.
  • Anarcho-Communism - You do want rights for the workers, but you should stop being so naive, a State is clearly needed.


  • Monarchism - I still remember when I overthrew you lol! Good riddance scum.
  • Capitalism - You are the enemy of the people! Mark my words one day the workers will once again rise against you.
  • Imperialism - The highest stage of Capitalism.
  • Left Communism - You’re a disgrace. You do nothing except sit in your armchair and you call me a counter revolutionary and a rightist? Ridiculous.
  • Fascism - Ah yes Fascism. The ideology that wants to kill me. Good luck with that fascist dog!
  • National Socialism - Same as fascismball but worst. You aren’t even a Socialist you just wanted to appeal to the Workers.