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*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - On a good path. Your [[File:NatML.png]] Patriotic Socialism variant is especially based as well.
*[[File:Putin.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism#Vladimir Putin|Putinism]] - The Western media outlets will always think that I'm your ideological brain. Your moves in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and others are great but you should be way more hardline, for we need to have more ideological institutions. Regardless, we MUST win against the Nazis, for there can only be one Eurasia, and that is under our great leader.
*[[File:Rashism.png]] [[Rashism|Jingoism|Rashism]] - We must defeat Ukraine, for the sake of multipolarity! The Atlanticists must be buried, only then will the world breathe again!
*[[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism]] - The vanguard of the Eurasian revolution! Your [[File:PatrioticParty.png]] Turkish variant is literally me!
*[[File:Afrsoc.png]] [[African Socialism]] - A true revolutionary fighting against neo-colonialism. [[File:EFF.png]] Julius Malema is extremely based, and has denounced Western imperialism against Putin and Russia!


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