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Anationalism is a globalist, anarchist anti-nationalist ideology, originating within the sphere of Esperanto speakers. It believes in universalism, one-world-ism and an auxiliary language shared by everyone.

How to Draw

The flag of Esperanto and Anationalism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Divide it into quarters
  3. Fill the top left quarter with white (#FFFFFF)
  4. Fill the rest with green (#009900)
  5. Draw a green five-pointed stars in the top left quadrant.
  6. Add the eyes and you're done.



  • Anarchism - Mia patrino, el kiu mi derivi multe de mia kredoj. (My mother, from whom I derive a lot of my beliefs.)
  • Globalism - Mia patro, kiu helpis min vidi, ke la konceptoj de unu mondo kaj unu lingvo estas tre mirindaj ideoj. (My father, who helped me to see that the concepts of one world and on language are very wonderful ideas)
  • Anarcho-Communism - Mia gefrato kun kiu mi konsentas plej multe. (My sibling with which I agree the most)
  • Esperanto speakers - Vi helpas min disvastigi Esperanton plu. (You are helping me to spread Esperanto further)


  • Anarcho-Fascism - Mi ne komprenas kiel oni kredus naciismo kaj anarkiismo samtempe. (I don't understand how one can believe in both nationalism and anarchism at the same time)


  • Nationalism - Naciismo ne pluvivos estontece. UNU POPOLO! (Nationalism will not survive in the future. ONE PEOPLE!)

Further Info

