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Revolutionary Progressivism: Difference between revisions

(please dont start an edit war and leave it like this, demosocman. youre making him sound less revprog)
Tag: Undo
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===Progressive Comrades===
*[[File:Antifa.png]] [[Anti-Fascism]] - Let's go hunt some racists!
*[[File:Jack.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - Destroy the dark past for a bright future! Party like it's 1793!
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] - Religious intolerance, inequality, and the stereotypical, traditional family structure will evaporate under you? Based!
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Not only do you want to abolish coerced economic structures, but social structures too. BASED!! (<s> Ignore my authoritarian variants and friends</s>)
*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - The cultural revolution was based and chad.
*[[File:Mspont.png]] [[Mao-Spontex]] - The best of [[Maoism]] and [[Anarcho-Communism|Ancom]] in one ideology.
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] [[Queer Anarchism]] - BeSupport gayLGBTQ+, dobash crime.the fash!
*[[File:StateathFedora.png]] [[State Atheism]] - Religions are reactionary and need to be erased.
*[[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism-Maoism]] - Keep up the good work!
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*[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism]] - A revolutionary culture of the proletariat will change society in their favor. Excellent job in the USSR!
*[[File:Vpered.png]] [[Vperedism]] - Same as the above. Proletkult was based!
*[[File:Posadist.png]] [[Posadism]] - If the old reactionary world has to be cleansed through nuclear holocaust, then so be it!
*[[File:Biopos.png]] [[Bio-Posadism]] - Let's infect reactionaries too!
*[[File:Accel.png]] [[Accelerationism]] - We must remove barriers to progress and move the entire world forward.
*[[File:Falgsc.png]] [[Fully Automated Gay Space Communism]] - A fully automated egalitarian society that explores space and promotes homosexuality is a GREAT idea.
*[[File:DeFran.png]] [[De Francism]] - A good implementation to my ideas!
*[[File:Hoxha.png]] [[Hoxhaism]] - Women's rights? Industrialization? Fighting the clergy? '''HELL YEAH!'''
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] - You've got the right ideas, dad. But stop being such a wuss and pick up your flamethrower, incinerating cultural [[File:Conservative.png]] counterrevolutionaries will change history for the better! <s><small>Also why are many in the west reformists?</small></s>
*[[File:Hoxha.png]] [[Hoxhaism]] - Women's rights? Industrialization? Fighting the clergy? '''HELL YEAH!''' WHY R U SOOO OBSESSED WITH REVISIONIST THIS AND THAT THO?
*[[File:Jack.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - Destroy the dark past for a bright future! Party like it's 1793! Chill with the killing of civs, they r important for the revolution too!
*[[File:Enlightmon.png]] [[Enlightened Absolutism]] - One of the monarchists that act as a progressive force, but you're not even revolutionary, just enlightened. Plus most of us prefer republicanism.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - People like Kagame are progressive forces for countries of such conditions, and you are progressive compared to the preceding system, sure, but you and your ideology are imperialist, exploitative, and sometimes conservative. Overall, it is about time that you, as the current status quo, must go and be replaced! Also, Thatcher and Reagan were homophobes who supported Apartheid and Operation Condor. <s>At least Macron defunded the boomers.</s>
*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - The cultural revolution had good intentions, but it failed. Innocents died in many of ur failures, and u needed to accept LGBTQ+ people more! PLUS U LET IMPERIALISTS GET INTO UR GOVERNMENT!
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - Like the above but on steroids.
*[[File:Ford.png]] [[Fordism]] - Like the above but on Soma.
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - What happened to you?! You used to be one of the most based Marxists but now you became a moderate reformistareformist! Also never forget about [[Classical Social Democracy|Rosa]]!
*[[File:Demsocstar.png]] [[Democratic Socialism]] - Good direction, but you can't use parliamentary means all the time! We must be a revolutionary class!
*[[File:Civlibert.png]] [[Civil Libertarianism]] - Allowing reactionaries to speak out? Not sure...
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*[[File:Kemal.png]] [[Kemalism]] - I love how you revolutionized Turkish society and got rid of the old Ottoman crap and theocracy and modernized Turkey into the most secular and progressive country in the Islamic world. But why is reformism in your core principle? Don’t you know that the revolution is the best way to beat reactionaries? You should also have removed Islam rather than enforcing the thing above.
*[[File:3princ.png]] [[Tridemism]] - Sun Yat-sen’s revolution was a progressive force for China against reactionary elements of the society. But again, Chiang Kai-shek was gigacringe and most of your modern-day followers are cringe conservatives. Still, I like Left-KMT members who are socially progressive and revolutionary.
*[[File:Anpacf.png]] [[Anarcho-Pacifism]] - You're weak. Peaceful protest willwon't neveralways solve our problems!
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Getting rid of the old Tsarist society and defeating the fascist scum were based moves, and many of you are very progressive! However many of his states are now reactionary, but he claims that they are revisionist and have nothing to do with him. AndPlus, themany way.of <s>Loveu yourr [https://www.youtube.com/c/SecondThoughtimperialist, channel]cultural by the way xoxo.</s>conservatives!
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - You may claim to be progressive, but you seem to be more concerned with money and aesthetics than actual cultural issues. And NAP is bullshit.
*[[File:Blacknat.png]] [[Black Nationalism]] - We will fight for you, but some of your variants don't seem to get along with me.
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*[[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] [[:Category:Centrists|Centrists]] - Being in the middle only makes you freeze in one place or go slow, making you conservative.
*[[File:Trumpism.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism|Trumpism]] - I can't wait till you get assassinated, fucking reactionary scum!!!
*[[File:Bidenism.png]] [[Big Tent Liberalism|Bidenism]] - Just because you are not Tr*mp, does not spare you because you are a moderate boomer who worked with racists in the past.
*[[File:AmericanModel.png]] [[American Model]] - Death to AmeriKKKa the land built off of genocide, slavery, and imperialism!
*[[File:NatProg-0.png]] [[Bull Moose Progressivism]] - Sure, you were sort of a progressive figure at home, but just because you gave (white) women rights doesn't make up for the fact that you're still a bigoted, racist imperialist who colonized and oppressed lesser developed countries like the Philippines and those in Latin America. You're just a progressive in name only. You better run. I will bust your head open far harder than how you busted those trusts.
*[[File:Annil.png]] [[Anarcho-Nihilism]] - You don't care about the revolution huh? And you prefer anti-society insurrection! GET THE GUILLOTINE!


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