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(Railer At least speak if you are trying to refute me. keynes was pro gay yes but he was not pro trans. There is no evidnce)
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*[[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism]]
*[[File:Neotech.png]] [[Technoliberalism]]
*[[File:LibZion.png]] [[Zionism]] (formerlyFormerly)<ref>John Maynard Keynes did express some views related to Zionism during his lifetime, but his stance on the issue was complex and evolved over time. In his earlier writings, Keynes was generally sympathetic to the Zionist movement and supported the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. He even participated in the drafting of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, which expressed British support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.
However, as time went on, Keynes became more critical of some aspects of the Zionist movement and British policies in Palestine. He raised concerns about the potential impact of Jewish immigration on the Arab population and the stability of the region. His views on the matter were nuanced and evolved in response to changing political and social dynamics in the Middle East.</ref>


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