Bull Moose Progressivism

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Progressive-Era Progressivism (PEP) retroactively called National Progressivism (NatProg) or Bull Moose Progressivism (BMP) is an economically centre-left ideology prominent in the United States of America between the period of time after the Gilded Age and before the end of the First World War, although starting before the Gilded Age and continuing after the WW1.

Bull Moose Progressive wants a Square Deal for all citizens (the 3 C's of Conservation of natural resources, Control of corporations, and Consumer protection) as well as a strong military and trust busting.

Bull Moose Progressive is not too different to modern File:Progress.png Progressivism, as both want welfare programs, improvements for workers rights, and transparency of political campaign contributions, but they differ in several meaningful ways.

Firstly; its positive attitude towards nationalism and military intervention instead of multicultural internationalism, Secondly; its more positive attitude towards traditional masculinity compared to modern progressivism's more negative attitude and Thirdly; having less of a focus on modern cultural issues due the fact it was prominent in the past.

Given that American President Theodore Roosevelt was its most famous proponent, NatProg is often used as a stand in or at least modelled on him, which can be seen given his design incorporating Teddy Roosevelt's glasses and cap as well as the optional Big Club. Another famous proponent of a form of NatProg was Woodrow Wilson, although he was extremely racist and much less imperialist than Teddy.



Paleoprogressivism, also known as Classical Progressivism, is a form of File:Progress.png progressivism that focuses on the improvement of society through scientific, rational, and technological development. It differs from modern progressivism by not prioritizing societal progress through advancing the acceptance of individual identity, but instead prioritizing societal progress through advancing technology, which classical progressives look at as the means through which society can improve itself. Classically progressive ideologies include: New Deal Liberalism, Kemalism, and Bull Moose Progressivism.

National Progressivism

National Progressivism is a civically variable, culturally left-wing, and economically variable but usually left-wing nationalist ideology that supports socially progressive ideas while holding strong affinity and loyalty to one's own national identity with an emphasis on cultural and economic protectionism.


B.M. Progressivism has its roots in File:Monkeyzz-Enlightenment.png Enlightenment philosophy with the development of history as a progression from "barbarism to civilization".

An egalitarian notion of progressivism, seeing society as an inevitable rise to more and more equality can be traced to the Jacobin movement during the French Revolution with thinkers like Marquis Condorcet.

The evolution of Jacobinism into various socialist movements brought new left-wing influences into American politics as well. While socialist ideology never gained major support in the early 20th century United States, a synthesis of these new notions of equality and the use of the state to achieve social justice emerged in response to the crises of the Civil War and the Gilded Age. These movements eventually coalesced into the Progressive Movement, which envisioned a modern America which would be a bastion of democracy and social justice at home, and a powerful force in the realm of global affairs.

How to Draw

Flag of Bull Moose Progressivism

B.M. Progressivism's design is based on the symbology of Theodore Rooselvelt's Progressive Party.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the top 2/3rds of the ball blue fill the bottom 1/3rd with alternating red and white stripes.
  3. In the Blue section draw a vague outline of a Bull Moose's head.
  4. Add the eyes.
  5. (Optional) Draw a hat and glasses on the ball.
  6. (Optional) Draw a BIG stick with the ball

And you're done.



  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - Follows in my footsteps quite well, but grow a spine my child!
  • Social Democracy - Still bustin' those trusts baby!
  • Technocracy - Professionals have standards.
  • Environmentalism - The national parks are for you buddy!
  • Eco-Nationalism - Saving America's natural beauty, fuck yeah!
  • Nationalism - I prefer my "New Nationalism" but welcome aboard!
  • Longism - Colleague who enjoys busting those trusts as much as I do, but could use more democracy and less isolationism. He kind of scares me ngl
  • Social Libertarianism - Economically based but falters a little too much on busting those trusts.
  • New Dealism - My dear cousin. You followed in my footsteps quite well.
  • Progressive Conservatism - I've always believed wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand.
  • Third Way - We tend to agree on welfare, cultural policies and imperialism.


  • William Howard Taft Thought - William, you were my best friend and closest advisor for so many years, yet when I gave you the honour of president, you fought against everything I stood for, which is why I fought against you in 1912.
  • Conservatism - Why do you carry my name in vain?
  • Lawsonomy - EGADS!... You... are my child?
  • Strasserism - Helps me break the banks, but too culturally right for my liking.
  • Imperialism - My actions in the Philippines, Panama, Cuba, etc. were completely justified, especially since I'm taking those colonies away from the Spanish and preventing the Brits from taking them.


  • Monarchism - Still wishing I could rough ride on that Kaiser.
  • Corporatocracy - I'M GONNA BUST YOUR TRUSTS!
  • Bankocracy - BREAK THE BANKS!
  • Leninism and Trotskyism - Woodrow sent a lot of aid to the Russian Whites to prevent you from coming to power.
  • Jingoism - To me "Jingoism" is a policy in pursuance of which Americans will with resolution and common sense insist upon our rights being respected by foreign powers. You're not any of that and instead just an insane megalomaniac.
  • Indigenism - I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indian is a dead Indian, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - "I am an American free born and free bred, I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit."
  • State Liberalism - What do You mean I can't be Progressive because I am a Nationalist, Regulationist and Environmentalist? At least we like progressive imperialism.

Further Reading




